Komposisi Kimia : SiO2
= 40,61% - 42,65%
= 15,31% - 15,92%
= 3,95% - 4,13%
= 6,07% - 5,67%
= 2,09% - 1,96%
= 8,66% - 8,81%
= 1,32% - 1,10%
= 1,71% - 1,63%
Sifat : Warna hijau kebiruan, putih dan coklat Kristal agak lunak keras, Endapan berlapis, Berat jenis : 2 2,4
Terdapat di : Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan
Cadangan : Diperkirakan jutaan ton
Kegunaan : - Sebagai bahan bangunan dan ornamen
- Semen puzzolan, bahan agregrat ringan
- Bahan pengembang dan pengisi pasta gigi
- Bahan penjernih air limbah dan kolam ikan
- Campuran makanan ternak
- Pemurni gas methan, gas alam dan gas bumi
- Penyerap zat / logam beracun
Chemical composition : SiO2
= 40,61% - 42,65%
= 15,31% - 15,92%
= 3,95% - 4,13%
= 6,07% - 5,67%
= 2,09% - 1,96%
= 8,66% - 8,81%
= 1,32% - 1,10%
= 1,71% - 1,63%
Physical nature : Bluish green, white and brown, medium sized grain, layered structured by specific gravicity of 2 2,4
Located : In the sub district of Sumbermanjing Wetan
Reserve : Billions tons
Benefit : - used as construction material and ornament
- li ght aggregate, puzzolan cement
- looming material and tooth paste filling
- waste purifer and fish pond
- cattle feed
- methanie gas natural gas
- metal absorbent and poisonous substance
Kompisisi Kimia : SiO2, AI2O3, H20, Fe203, CaO, MgO, Na20, K2O
Sifat : Warna abu-abu, kuning, merah dan coklat, terbentuk karena proses hidrotermal terdapat dua macam jenis : Na-Bentonit dan Ca-Bnetonit
Terdapat di : Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Bantur, Pagak
Cadangan : Diperkirakan jutaan ton
Kegunaan : Na- Bentonit
- Untuk bahan Lumpur pemboran (drilling mud)
- Pencegah kebocoran dalam bangunan sipil basah
- Campuran pembuatan cat, lateks dan tinta cetak
- Bahan penyerap, zat perekat dan pellet makanan ternak
- Untuk Industri minyak goreng (sawit) sebagai bahan pemucat
Chemical composition : SiO2, AI2O3, H20, Fe203, CaO, MgO, Na20, K2O
Physical nature : Gray / brownish yellow, red and bellow, medium sized grain, formed due to hydro hermal process and there are 2 types : Na bentonite and Ca Bentonite
Located : In the sub District of Sumbermanjing Wetan, Bantur and Pagak
Reserve : Billions tons
Benefit : Na-Bentonite
- Used as drilling mud material
- Preventive material of leak at wet civil building
- Paint, latex and printing ink manufacture ingredient
- Absorbentn glue, cattle feed pellet
- Used as the bieaching of cooking oil industry
Kompisisi Kimia : SiO2, AI2O3, H20, Fe203, Na20, K2O,TiO2
Sifat : Sebagai hasil ubahan hidrotermal dan batuan tufa, warna putih agak kompak
Terdapat di : Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan,Tirtoyudo
Cadangan : Diperkirakan jutaan ton
Kegunaan : - Sebagai bahan baku dan campuran keramik
- Refraktori, isolator
- Sebagai bahan karena bentuknya indah dan alami
Chemical composition : SiO2, AI2O3, H20, Fe203, Na20, K2O,TiO2
Physical nature : The change of hydro thermal and tufa, broken white compact
Located : In the sub District of Sumbermanjing Wetan and Tirtoyudo
Reserve : Billions tons
Benefit : - Used as ceramic raw material and ingredients
- Refractory and isolator
- Decoration because of the beautiful shape and natural
Kompisisi Kimia : CaO, SiO2, AI2O3, H20, Fe203, Na20, MgO
Sifat : Warna putih-putih kotor, keras dan berongga kecil
Terdapat di : Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Donomulyo, Gedangan, Batur, Kalipare dan Pagak
Cadangan : Diperkirakan jutaan ton
Kegunaan : - Bahan mentah semen, karbid
- Bahan pemutih dalam pembuatan soda abu
- Penetral keasaman tanah
- Bahan pupuk, industri keramik dan bahan bangunan
Chemical composition : CaO, SiO2, AI2O3, H20, Fe203, Na20, MgO
Physical nature : Broken White, hard and highly reactive to acid
Located : In the sub District of Sumbermanjing Wetan, Donomulyo, Gedangan, Bantur, Kalipare and Pagak
Reserve : Billions tons
Benefit : - Used as raw material for cement, carbide
- Whitening material in caustic soda manufacture
- Soil acidity neutralizer
- Materials for fertilizer, ceramic industry and construction

Kompisisi Kimia : CaO, SiO2, AI2O3, H2O2, Fe203, Na20, MgO,K2O
Sifat : Warna putih keabu-abuan, hijau muda, kuning kotor hasil sedimentasi dan pelapukan batu tufa, berat jenis 2,4 - 2,8 titik lebur 1100-1500 derajat Celcius
Terdapat di : Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan dan Dampit
Cadangan : Diperkirakan jutaan ton
Kegunaan : - Terutama sebagai flux dalam industri keramik, gelas dan kaca
- Bahan pembuatan barang-barang tahan panas dengan persentase komposisi diperlukan sebesar 18,8 - 25,8%
Chemical composition : CaO, SiO2, AI2O3, H2O2, Fe203, Na20, MgO,K2O
Physical nature : Grayish / light green / broken white / glass mineral, brittle, special gravity 2,4 - 2,8 and melting point of 1100 - 1500 degree Celsius
Located : In the sub District of Sumbermanjing Wetan, and Dampit
Reserve : Billions tons
Benefit : - Used as flux in ceramic, glass and drinking glass industry
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